Desired Audience
So my target audience for the progression website is planning to be for universities. The reason I am planning to have this as my audience is because I am planning to take this as a progression route in the future and I feel like it would be appropriate to have that as my audience in terms of showing my work.
Before I started this research, I was a bit puzzled on the whole aspect of this document because I didn’t really know where to start in terms of researching for this, I didn’t really know what to search. I ended up just searching ‘Filmmakers Portfolio’ in Google and a very interesting website came up on how to make a Filmmakers portfolio. Not only this though, it also gave some examples of some director/other jobs in that area and their portfolios. In this document, I am going to explore some of those portfolios and research them in necessary detail.

First seeing this website, I noticed that it was very well produced and I also noticed the fonts were readable and everything was easy to access. I think that one of the most important things about having a portfolio/showreel website is having that accessibility and an ability to access things easily.

As I scrolled down the website, I noticed that the director had included all of the productions that he has directed or had a leading role in. This is also one of the most vital parts of the entire website as it really gives you a chance to show off your work to the highest extent and this is what universities will mainly look for. I also noticed that the clips were split into different categories at the top. The categories were ‘Narrative Film’, ‘Commercial’ and ‘Promotional’ something to take from the portfolio is the categorisation it has. This can be really beneficial for universities looking at your portfolio as it allows them to see each of the categories you’ve produced in.

Finally, another thing I found in this portfolio is that if you click on the productions he has done – any of them, it will show an accessible link to the video along with the cast list and any rewards they have either won or been nominated for. This would be really important for universities as it allows them to see the achievements this director has obtained over the productions he has done.

Something unique about this website is the very interesting landing page before actually entering the main core of the website. This is good because it allows a non-worded introduction to the website which is good first impressions for universities that are looking at your work.

I clicked on the ‘Enter’ button and I was presented with this page. This page shows all of the productions that the filmmaker has worked on. This will help universities understand what the director has created and will also allow them to look at the work that the director has created.

So after looking at the different tabs for the website, I chose to go onto the ‘more’ part, this split up all of his productions into different categories for, ‘Commercial’, ‘Music Videos’ and ‘Film’, this is a common theme that I have found in showreel websites so far, it has the theme of categorising all of their videos.. this would make it more accessible for universities to be able to look at their work in different categories.

After this, i then went on to the about section for the direct