So for the multi-image, me and another classmate went to a desolate and quite quiet road to do the multi-image. This was the result:
1. This image is supposed to represent the entire premise of the multi-image. The man in the mask is looking at the purge information on that laptop, potentially being a motive to kill. This is important to note as to what happens throughout the photos.

2. This photo is representing the murderer walking down a street, looking for prey, looking for someone to kill.

3. This image shows both the murderer and the victim. The victim acting normal and calm etc. However in contrast, the killer looking ahead at the victim, waiting for the perfect time to kill.

4. This picture shows a close up shot of the killer moving in on his victim, placing his hand on the victim's shoulder to show the initiation of the attack.

5. This last image shows the killer choking out the victim, carrying out the attack which was allowed in the first photo by the purge.

So after looking at the photos, there were a couple of exposure problems in a couple of photos. I then went into photoshop to try and rectify the shots. These were the shots:
