We were asked to go out in pairs or groups of 3 to a location somewhere around college to experiment and attempt to use our knowledge from Mise En Scene to create a story in one single image. The group I was apart of found a desolate and isolated staircase, the idea immediately came into our heads that we could use for some sort of fight scene/mugging. Originally, we thought of the fight scene being one with someone choking someone else out. However, looking at the results, we realized this wasn't beneficial and it wasn't practical due to the fact that the image did not produce a story and certainly not the one we wanted. This was the result of the first idea:

Originally, the idea was a mugging and we realized after taking this photo that it did not reflect that. There was no symbolism to show that the victim was actually getting mugged. We then decided to maybe try a different fighting scene in which someone would be pinned against a wall and the other person would be punching them across the face. We decided to include the aspect of a wallet being stolen too to create the effect of the mugging. This was the result:

We felt this was a great shot because not only did it portray the story we were trying to convey but it also had a great mise en scene. The location we had was cramped and it was perfect for the backbone of the story.
One thing we realised though was we felt like the original photo had too much light and it didn't really compromise with the story we were trying to convey. So we decided to go on to photoshop and edit the saturation, colour levels, curves etc. This helped make the scene more dull and allowed us to explore with that.
